Consumer goods - Mutawa
This chart is so difficult! I have tried by best to find the main trends or figures, but I could not find much. It is also a little bit difficult to describe ‘the figures for appliances for different countries’; it sounds confusing.
Is there any easy way to understand or find the main data within a short of time.
Although I wrote it without a time limit, I could not reach 150!
The graph illustrates the number of money spent on six appliances in four countries. These countries are
In general,
(112 words)
Welcome back, Ahmed! We have missed your daily blog message!
In task 1 you are tranferring data from a graphic / visual form to a verbal / written report.
What do you 'see' in the charts/graphs/tables/diagrams? How do you present the significant trends?
The technical, maths-oriented students have an advantage here. Look at Abu Omar's post - he has the format, it needed a few more facts.
Compare, contrast, select and summarize! Task 1 Academic IELTS is a mechanical, descriptive exercise.
Go through the INSIGHT book on Academic task 1 writing.
Look at the examples on
The OLD weblogs have masses of examples of task 1 and task 2 writing.
Why not make a study group with other students to use the LEARNING ZONE in the mornings (you are free - maybe others can join you?) or in the evenings (SAT / SUN / MON / WED) when you don't have a class with me?
OK then, how about Ahmed trying to make a STUDY GROUP for i-truth members to work TOGETHER in the Learning Zone?
Are you a class, a group, a community of scholars or a bunch of individuals starting to panic over how tough IELTS seems to be?
Answers and COMMITMENT please!
Er, hello? Some response from the silent majority would be appreciated!
Wake up! It's hard, but it's IELTS!
By Tony Beale, at 11:09 AM
Thank you all for your support, and welcome back Jean Luc!
I was just saying that this bar chart particularly has no main data. the figures were mostly the same.
But, write fix have 7 bar chart examples with sample text. I will look for them.
happy futoor,
Ahmed Mutawa
By Ahmed Mutawa, at 3:57 PM
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