
Monday, October 09, 2006

Learning Zone Blues

Hello you quiet, passive, strange bunch!

M Shraim was very unlucky yesterday, unfortunately that teacher has 18 students in her class.

Even so, the situation in the Learning Zone is:

TWO PCs (on the left hand side) are reserved for outside students to book, even when a BC class is using the LZ.

The TWO PCs in the Education Zone do have the IELTS CD program installed (I checked this evening.)

This evening Roni was alone in LZ and had all 11 PCs for him to use at the same time!

You all must come and use the LZ. Also stick up for yourselves and assert your rights. Poor M Shraim was too polite and got the wrong impression of access to the LZ.

Any reaction / comments? WAKE UP you dozy lot before it's too late!

No further news from me until tomorrow's class. You obviously all have much more important things to do than read the weblog and interact with me. Soon it'll be too late.

Oh by the way, I am totally underwhelmed by the lack of response to Jean Luc's kind offer to address the class this Thursday. Entre vous et moi, JL, est-ce qu'il vaut la peine d'essayer les aider?

Tony as Blogmember (It does work you wusses!)


  • I got 25/40 = 6.0 in the home work reading within 70 minutes.

    I think this is bad. What about you guys?

    By Blogger Ahmed Mutawa, at 10:54 AM  

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