Arts + Tony's version
Any way, I tried to 'pic a topic' that I have no I idea about what I am going to write about. Then I tried to squeez my mind to make up anything that suits the subject. In this case, I can gain the skill on how to face difficut subjects or in other words 'to esape from their difficulty'.
So, it was about:
Should governments spend money on art, when they have so many other important issues and concerns?
Some people say that governments should stop supporting art-related fields and spend it for important issues and concerns. However, other people say that the art needs some money from government to build museums or to support art institutions. This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against spend money on art by governments.
It is undeniable that art is so important that play major role in people's lives and culture. Therefore, it needs a good attention by spending some money to provide it with museums to carry pictures and sculptures and institutions to deliver its knowledge. In addition, I do not agree with some people saying that museums are old fashioned, because still there is no technology that could discredit their value. For example, we cannot enjoy the Mona Lisa and Picasso by images over the net, unless we see them in their museums. Furthermore, arts are not less important than sports or historical places that governments should balance their expenditure among these different areas.
Nevertheless, some governments spend too much on art-related buildings. They are having the wrong idea that the architectural buildings should be extremely huge and build with expensive materials. However, arts should impress people by the meaning they deliver or the beauty of their design, and not by the amount of size or cost.
I will conclude this essay by restating that art needs support by government just as any other amusement areas. Yet, governments should not waste their money on expensive buildings, because art value is in its content, not in its container.
is there a different word than art?
Good luck all of you in the exam!
I shall re-write Ahmed's essay with my edits and further ideas for paragraph 3, OK? I shall try to keep to the spirit and logic of his argument. Here goes...
Should governments spend money on art, when they have so many other important issues and concerns?
Some people say that governments should stop supporting art-related fields and spend it for on more important issues and concerns. However, others argue that art needs investment from government to build museums or to support art institutions. This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against spending government money on art.
It is undeniable that the fine arts play a major role in people's lives and culture. Therefore, they need sponsorship to provide us with museums to display pictures and sculptures. At the same time there should be well-resourced institutions to deliver its knowledge. In addition, I do not agree with those who contend that museums are old-fashioned, because there is still no technology that could surpass their achievement. For example, we cannot enjoy the Mona Lisa and Picasso by images over the Net, unless we see them in their museum setting. Furthermore, the humanities are no less important than sports or historical places that governments should balance their expenditure among these different areas.
Nevertheless, some governments overspend on elitist art-related buildings. They think wrongly that prestigious architectural buildings should be built with expensive materials. However, art should impress people by the meaning it delivers or the beauty of its design, and not by the amount of size or cost. It is in appreciating one's cultural heritage that makes a citizen in touch with his past and future. The Sydney Opera House was criticised as an expensive indulgence, but is now recognised as the symbol of Australia's cultural legacy to the world.
I conclude this essay by restating that art needs support by governments just as any other leisure area. Yet, governments should not waste their money on expensive buildings, because art value is in its content, not in its container.
I like Ahmed's neat conclusion and interesting ideas. I think he made life difficult by arguing for AND against subsidising art. Maybe he should have concentrated on the "for" argument over two paragraphs. You do NOT always have to do the for + against essay - you can focus on ONE side of the question! Make sure you have enough ideas for those two middle paragraphs.
Also I am wondering why you guys are so shy to refer to your home countries and how the government supports art? Also as I recall, Aisha Azim's essay was on this theme, go back and see how she produces a majestic Band 9 masterpiece of an essay.
Good luck! Keep practising and knocking off these essays in 35 minutes or less.
It is unlikely that I will be able to devote time to similar detailed critiques of ieltscommunity13's written work on the weblog in the coming weeks. I shall try to log in and comment on what YOU have to say about your preparation and confrontation with the IELTS demon.
What was the truth about IELTS, then?
Bye for now
A valiant effort, Ahmed!
Yes, you were struggling in the third paragraph.
It's interesting to note how you now have the task 2 'FORMULA' and just have to bring in relevant ideas / examples to build up your essay. Even if your ideas are thin, you have the format and layout that will impress (and fool!) the IELTS examiner.
More timed writing practice will be the 'acid test'.
I'll try to give your text my treatment this afternoon, OK?
Well done and thanks for your enthusiasm, which puts most of the class to shame, except for one honourable exception.
See you tonight, minds and pencils sharpened!
Tony the Torturer
Tony Beale, at 11:54 AM
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