
Saturday, November 18, 2006

The blog is dead! Long live the blog!

Hello truth seekers (did you find out the truth about IELTS?)

We have moved on. No feedback from recent IELTS candidates - surprise, surprise - NO surprise!

Ah well, I start a new IELTS course on Monday, 20 November, In Sha Allah. It's an intensive, heavy duty three week slog! Wish us luck!

You're welcome to join us:

I know that you're weary and your plans don't include me (words from a classic Bob Seeger song - look it up, Ahmed!) however, the deal is that previous blogs helped you, so are you prepared to help the next course?

It's never too late - post me a comment or email me and I'll invite you to take part in the next IELTS adventure.

Good luck!

How did it go / How is it going?



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